Saturday, June 2, 2012

Fighting the Future

The "birthers" continue to spew their nonsense supported by the arch-charlatan Donald Trump. Even though President Obama has released his birth certificate, these cretins continue to persist that the President was actually born in Kenya. It would seem that it is impossible for anyone to prove that they are a natural born citizen because these morons won't give up. Even if you disprove one of their allegations, they simply make up another, and another.

I think the world view, not only of the birthers, but much of the right-wing was really shaped by the "X Files." I must admit that I used to watch that show back in the 90's, although in the end it turned out to be a shaggy dog story; a mish mash of conspiracy theories based upon anti-government paranoia ("Trust No One.") The Birthers are basically a gang of deluded numbskulls who think they are Fox Mulder. The reasons why people believe in conspiracy theories are various and complex; ranging form politics, psychology, and even sociology. I think that the American Right have come to see themselves as some kind of "Master Race" who are under attack by everyone and everything. Anybody who doesn't agree with them is automatically considered an "enemy." Which means that these people are impossible to deal with.

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