Friday, June 15, 2012

The Summer of Burnt Mesquite

The wildfires continue to burn throughout the Rocky Mountains. The Little Bear fire continues to burn north of Ruidoso New Mexico. More than 10,000 acres have been burned so far. The smoke can be smelled in El Paso about 140 miles to the southwest.

These wildfires of course are caused by drought. It's odd but we've been having all kind of weird weather events since the drought of 1988. You'd think that Hurricane Katrina in 2005 would have settled the matter once and for all. Oddly enough some people still say that they don't "believe" in global warming.

Global warming is as much a fact as the world being round and revolving around the sun. Is is possible that the deniers have been lobotomized by Fox and the other corporate media? If we wait until the coastlines are under 10 feet of water, it's going to be too late.

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