Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Decline and Fall of National Review

Climate scientist Michael Mann is suing the National Review and one of it's contributors Mark Steyn. Steyn, a professional blowhard and Islamophobe known for making the rounds of Rush Limbaugh and other such shows, compared Mann to pedophile Jerry Sandusky. The remark was totally off base; just the kind of scurrilous attack that blowhards like Steyn habitually make. Many believe that a protracted battle could ruin the National Review financially.

The decline of the National Review itself illustrates the decline of American conservatism itself; from the intellectualism of William F. Buckley, it passed on to glib propagandists like Jonah Goldberg and Rich Lowry, and then to venom spewing morons like Mark Steyn. You could say it went from dumb to dumber.

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