Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Democrat Ineptitude Syndrome

The general concensus is that the GOP is going to win big in this year's elections. How's that possible given their dysfunctional and negligent conduct? Because the Dems are even worse. They're like the Iraqi army that doesn't put up a fight. Case in point the Highway Trust Fund is about to go insolvent. The Gopers act like there's no problem, the Dems are proposing an increase in the sales tax on gasoline. This while gas prices are soaring to the highest levels in years. The Obama admin. blew its chance years ago when it should have made repeal of the Bush tax cuts in the rich its top priority. Now they Dems are proposing a tax which will fall hardest on ordinary people. Which will allow the Gopers to paint the Dems as "tax and spenders." No wonder the Dems lose even when they should win.

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