Thursday, August 20, 2015

Donald Trump Is Not An American

It is really grotesque that Donald Trump has declared himself the champion of the "real americans." He himself is the embodiment of what has gone wrong with America over the past half century: the triumph of speculators, the born millionaires who became billionaires by cheating the public. Totalitarian movements often characterized by men without principle appealing to people without judgment. Trump followers are the degraded ignorant bigots who constitute the scum of humanity. When Trump goes around insulting people just "because he can," his followers admire him because he can get away with it.

Trump is a racist, a misogynist, and a liar but worse of all is when he speaks of what he would do if elected President, he would not recognize any legal or constitutional restraints upon himself. That he has the makings of a dictator is clear to see. But he's also part of a wider sickness. The GOP and the Conservative movement have abandoned all morality and principles and have become the sycophants of wealth and power.

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