Monday, August 3, 2015

The Sham and Shame of Anti-Abortion Fanatics

Anti-abortion fanatics have launched an attack campaign against Planned Parenthood. They are alleging that Planned Parenthood is selling fetal tissue for cash. As reported by Laura Bassett in the Huffington Post:

David Daleiden, the founder of Center for Medical Progress, used a fake ID displaying the name "Robert Daoud Sarkis" to circumvent their security precautions and gain access to the groups' annual meetings and facilities.

Democrats in Congress asked California Attorney General Kamala Harris (D) to look into whether the Center for Medical Progress violated any laws in its deceptive investigation."

This shows the dirty and dishonest mindset of the anti-abortion fanatics. The smarmy hypocrites who call themselves "pro-life" and yet kill doctors and bomb clinics. They are terrorists just like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The anti-abortion anti-birth control creeps by their actions that they have no values or principles.

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