Monday, August 31, 2015

Jared Fogle: The Emblem of the Age?

Jared Fogle, the former Subway Sandwiches pitchman, has recently pleaded guilty to receiving child pornography and having sex with a minor. Fogle, who became a millionaire shilling for Subway, also started a foundation to fight childhood obesity. But in reality the foundation was bogus and the money was skimmed off by Fogle and Russell Taylor, an associate of Fogle who was also his accomplice in pedophilia.

There are only two things that this culture still condemns: murder and pedophilia. That Fogle was a pedophile is bad enough but establishing a phony charity to enrich himself indicates he must be a monster without a moral center. It is beneath hypocrisy, it is cynicism. The emblem of an age that worships greed and smarm.

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