Monday, November 9, 2015

A Restraction Is In Order

Some time ago I made a post in which I was considering supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton for President. After much research and thought, I have decided that I cannot. The deciding issue of Foreign Policy. During her time in the Senate, HRC voted for the War in Iraq and the so-called Patriot Act, and while everybody makes mistakes, she does not seem to have learned from hers. Clinton continues support an interventionist foreign policy, except that she call this "humanitarian intervention." Clinton does not seem to recognize that interventionism has not only failed, but that it has also done immense harm to this country. We need a new direction in foreign policy, not persistence in the errors of the past. It's not that I don't "want" to support HRC for President, but that I cannot support someone whose positions on such a crucial matter are so utterly wrong.

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