Monday, November 30, 2015

Massacre in Colorado Springs

Last Friday a lunatic opened fire in a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, leaving three dead and nine wounded. I won't mention the scumbag by name, except that he has a criminal record for having attacked his ex-wife and harassed other women. A moron like that should not even be out in public, much less have access to guns and ammunition.

It is sickening that anti-abortion, anti-birth control fanatics call themselves "Pro-life." Totalitarian political movements often twist and distort language to hide their true agenda. While the "respectable" anti-abortion movement is distancing itself from the Colorado Springs massacre, the fact is that these people have been conduction a campaign of lies and falsehoods, as well as some covert incitements to violence. Anti-abortion fanatics are terrorists and they should be treated as such.

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