Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Death of the Conservative Brain

The current behavior of the current Congressional GOP majority is causing a split within the Conservative movement. Watching the histrionics of Congressional GOPers reminds one of petulant adolescents throwing tantrums whenever they don't get what they want when they want it. As a result many "respectable conservatives are now trying to distance themselves from the lunatic fringe. David Brooks, for instance, now marks the distinction between Conservatives(presumably himself) and "right wing radicals." The right-wing fringe seems to be getting the upper hand.

Conservatism is now dominated by obnoxious blowhards of the Coulter-Limbaugh variety. The extreme right now speaks in its own jargon: "libtard." Now the extremists, mostly Trump supporters, are using the term "cuckservatives" to Conservatives whom they deem to be insufficiently hardcore. This gutter term, "cuck" is derived from "cuckold," a porn genre about white men who like to see their wives having sex with black men. I don't have enough time go into the twisted, internalized racial and sexual pathologies of people who throw around that word. I'll only point out that Conservatives are finally seeing the results of their policy to pander to the lowest common denominator.

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