Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A Complete and Utter Failure

MeToo# made a lot of noise but couldn't prevent the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. MeToo# has become an example of the kind of self-defeating activism that gains media attention but doesn't work genuine political change. The big problem started when MeToo# went from being a campaign against sexual harassment/assault to a war against heterosexuality itself. Persecuting Louis Ck does nothing to change the structures of power.

For example, Ian Buruma editor of the New York Review of Books was ousted because he published an article by a Canadian radio personality who had been acquitted of sexual assault. What did ousting Buruma accomplish? MeToo has become nothing more than a skunk inside the progressive tent. Though we should ask ourselves whether a movement that combines the ideology of Catharine MacKinnon and the tactics of Josef Stalin really is progressive.

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