Wednesday, October 17, 2018

GOP Can't Lie Anymore

Mitch McConnell--GOP Senate leader and possible extraterrestrial--now blames the rising federal deficit on "entitlements" and calls for cuts in Social Security and Medicare. This is after the GOPers passed their tax cuts, which are the real cause of the deficit. But McConnell, who has no shame much less integrity, blames Social Security. The asshole has the effrontery to say:

“It’s a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future.”

McConnell has been the most odious example of political partisanship and now he wants bipartisanship to fix the mess he and other GOPers made. If the Dems can't make political hay out of this then they are screwed. But so is everybody else.

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