Monday, October 22, 2018

The Mean Girls of Senenca Valley PA

This is a story which has been covered up by the US media, probably to pander to the MeToofers. The sources are mostly from Canada and the UK. IN Seneca Falls High School, PA, five girls falsely accused a boy of sexual assault. The boy lost his job as a lifeguard. He was then arrested at school (dragged out in handcuff and leg irons)
spent time in juvenile detention and was forced to withdraw from school. The girls then recanted their accusations and admitted that they made them up simply because they didn't like the boy they targeted.

This proves the fallacy of MeToo#, ie that "nobody makes up" accusations of sexual assault, or that "almost nobody is falsely accused of sexual assault." The radical feminists are themselves liars, just like the hosebags of Seneca Valley.

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