Friday, April 30, 2010

Bill O'Reilly: Big Smelly Foot in Big Stupid Mouth

Bill O'Reilly incurable liar and blow-hard, has finally gone too far. In an interview with General Wesley Clark, O'Reilly claimed that American troops had killed Germans in Malmedy. To set the record straight, the Malmedy massacre, which occurred on December 17, 1944, involved the killing of about 100 American POW's by the Nazi Ss First Panzer Division. It is important to note that the same Nazi SS unit also committed many other atrocities, including the massacre of 100 Belgian civilians at Stavelot.

While O'Reilly later issued a retraction, but he treated it like a simple error, like he had mispronounced somebody's name. But O'Reilly doesn't care about truth. Whenever he starts to lose the argument, he starts pouding the table and shouting "Shut up! Shut up!" The real morons, however, are O'Reilly's fans, who are nothing more than ignorant bullies themselves.

Friday, April 23, 2010

58 Killed in Baghdad Bombings

At least 58 people have been killed in a new wave of bombings in Baghdad. There were also bombings in the town of Khalidya. In fact, for all the people who are still paying attention, violence continues to plague Iraq. Meanwhile, the country continues without an effective governmnet, as the local politicians haggle and demand recounts.

It's been 7 years since the Iraq debacle began and it's clear that we are facing 2 possibilities; Iraq is either going to end up as a Shi'ite regime under the effective domination of Iran, or it's going to disintigrate into it's constituent parts. What isn't going to happen is for Iraq to become a shining example of democracy.

After all this time there are people who justify the invasion of Iraq. They can shovel around the same pile of manure, but they will never find a pony or a democracy in there.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party: More Noise Than Heat

Looking at the "Tea Party" is like watching a bunch of spoiled children. Their combination of ignorance and hysteria has ceased to be funny and is merely irritating. These people know nothing of politics or history, their thinking is dominated by junk information and slogans from the 1980's or the 1950's of the 1920's. To say nothing of their whining about wanting "their country back."

Let us consider, however, what would happen if the Repubs take control of the Congress after the next elections. We already know what their game plan was during 1994-2006: get elected by ranting against taxes and "wasteful spending." Then get re-elected by sending pork-barrel projects back to their home districts. It may be "smart" politics, for a while. But given that it's clear that the Repubs are never going to cut spending or bring back the "good old days" of "rugged individualism."

It's time to grow up people. Or at least grow a brain.

Friday, April 9, 2010

GOP Sex Scandal

Allison Meyers was the director of the "Young Eagles" a Republican fund raising group. It turns out that Miss Meyers was taking donors to a Hollywood strip club called Voyeur. Well so much for traditional family values!

Do Repubs think we are all stupid? Maybe the right-wing "base" of bible-beating ignoramuses might believe it. But even they must be having some doubts. The Repubs might be better labeled as the party of big money and sleaze.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Right Goes Crazy

We are still puzzling over the insanity of the so-called Hutaree militia, who were planning to go on a killing spree of police officers and which they believed would bring about the final confrontation with the anti-Christ (whom they seemed to believe is Barack Obama). Now it turns out that lunatics calling themselves "Guardians of the Free Republics" have been sending letters to various governors warning them to leave office or else.

It is easy to dismiss the "Hutarees" and such like as backwoods ignoramuses. Except that this climate of fear and hatred could produce the next Timothy McVeigh. We have spent the better part of the previous decade fearing "Islamofascists" that we have forgotten that terrorism is merely a tactic which can be used by any group. Eventually, a bunch of ultra-right extremists could destroy America, and succeed where Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Bin Laden failed.

We are probably our own worst enemies.