Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sarah Palin Stinks Out the Joint

The odd thing about Sarah Palin, despite her supposed popularity, is how she clashes with so many Conservative women--Peggy Noonan, Barbara Bush, Christine Todd Whitman--the very people whose support she would need to get the Republican nomination in 2012. But that's a common problem with many "Tea Partiers" they not only lack political wisdom but many of them seem to lack basic social skills as well. It seems that Palin can't deal with people on an interpersonal level, and would rather maintain a "keep your distance" posture in regards to her fans, who sit rapt while she goes into her gaseous rhapsodies.

Could she then launch an independent bid for the Presidency? Perhaps, but it's important to remember the hundreds of millions of Americans who don't buy her stupid books or watch her idiotic tv show. It is not possible to launch a successful run for the Presidency just based on personal "charisma." George Wallace couldn't do it and he actually had a geographic base. Ross Perot and Ralph Nader couldn't do it and each in his own time was more highly respected than Palin is today. In the end Palin might not bother to run for the Presidency after all because she not only doesn't know anything about politics, she doesn't really care about politics. Palin is simply on an ego trip that allows her to receive the diva treatment.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Tea Party Is Dead

Yes, the Tea Party is dead. Maybe it will live on as a slogan into the 2012 election cycle. But what is dead is the idea of the Tea Party as an uprising of good hardworking Americans against "big government" and "socialism." Case in point is the Congressional Tea Party Caucus, who have actually voted themselves one billion dollars in earmarks. The Tea Party has basically become another special interest group who are against government spending--except for themselves.

Read the complete article at:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DeLay Goes Down

Tom Delay, the former Repub Congressional schemer, has been convicted of money laundering. Yay! He was convicted of moving $190,000 of corporate money to GOP congressional candidates. That's how the system works these days, big corporations can buy the legislative process. DeLay can be considered a political pimp, and the congressional GOP a bunch of whores.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Obama and the Dangers of Appeasement

Perhaps Barack Obama's biggest personal weakness is an exaggerated tendency to cater to what is perceived as "White Opinion." It seems to have motivated his decision to appoint the so-called Deficit Reduction Commission as if to say "Hey, I'm not a tax and spend liberal." The Commissions recommendations of steep cuts in every program including Social Security will get nowhere. Neither will Congressional Repubs approve any reduction in farm subsidies. So the whole thing is ultimately a waste of time.

Obama fundamental mistake was to try and govern on a post-partisan, post-racial basis. It might seem admirable, in the abstract, but he should have realized, by the end of 2009, that the Repubs only wanted to hang him from a tree. So the question now is, will Obama confront the Repub House and can he win? Bill Clinton, who let's face it had all the fighting instinct of an apple fritter, ultimately had to stand up to Newt Gingrich. Obama, if he wants to have any success, had better get ready to fight.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What Were They Thinking

It seems that Lisa Murkowski has defeated Joe Miller for the Alaska Senate seat, and has managed to do that while running a write in campaign, which rarely works. I guess that many Alaskans had second thoughts about voting for the thuggish Miller, especially after his security guards attacked and handcuffed a reporter back in October. If so, Alaskans are probably smarter than people in many other parts of the country.

Of course, many things about this election don't add up. The Democrats lost 6 seats in the Senate, by that measure they should have only lost about 20 seats in the House. Maybe the mistake many Democrat Reps made was in running as "fiscal conservatives" thereby alienating their base and ceding the high ground to the Repubs.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Consensus Sucks

The failure of the Democrats in the past election is largely due to a misguided search for consensus. Barack Obama wasted his first year in office trying to achieve a "Post-Partisan" consensus, and he persisted even though it should have been obvious by the latter half of 2009 that the Repubs weren't interested in cooperating and basically wanted to hang him from a tree.

Unless of course people voted because of a misundestood memory of the 1990's. This line of thinking might go something "But didn't a Democratic President and a Republican congress lead to the prosperity of the era?" It is important to remember that the relative prosperity of the 90's occurred because the Democrats raised taxes and cut the deficit during 93-94. Congressional Democrats committed political suicide and the Repubs reaped the benefit. Let's not forget all the partisan wrangling of the era--low points of the government shut down , Monica Lewinski, and Whitewater, the scandal that never happened. The situation of the next two years won't be any better, and it might even be worse.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

We Need Leaders Not Wonks

If we look at the decline of the Democractic party over the past 4 decades, the most obvious problem is a lack of leadership. The Great Democrats of the twentieth century--FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ--were bold innovators who were determined to make their mark on history. They didn't always achieve what they set out to do, but they weren't afraid to take on challenges. Since the 1970's, however, the Democrats have mostly produced tinkerers and fixers: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and it appears that Barack Obama falls into the same pattern.

It seems that when the Democrats get elected they mostly confine themselves to administrative tinkering rather than real reform. As I pointed out back in June 25 Obama's biggest failures consisted in sticking to closely to the policies of the previous administration and not really taking the country in a new direction. Even his healthcare reform plan, in the end will only benefit people who already have health insurance.

Now that the Repubs have regained control of the House, we can expect at two years, possibly more, of partisan wrangling and "fishing expeditions" at a time when the country can least afford it. That leaves most of us with the options of either moving to France, or buying respirators and rubber boots, because the crap is going to get think and smelly.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Juan Williams Whining All the Way to the Bank

NPR was absolutely right in firing Juan Williams after he made anti-Muslim remarks. Most news organizations would. Which is why he is moving to Fox, where he will make more money and spew his racist bilge.

Williams' remarks--about how people in "Muslim garb--made him nervous are not only offensive but stupid. Does he really think that terrorists are goint to draw attention to themselves by wearing ethnic clothes? In addition Williams has a long history of making anti-Hispanic remarks. He fit in with the crowd of right-wing bigots, who will embrace him to "prove" they are not racists. Just one suggestion though. Williams should stop calling himself "Juan" and adopt a name more to the liking of his new friends, like "Jonbo."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stupidity Isn't Cool

The Tea Party has produced a grotesque spectacle of kooks, crackpots, and ignoramuses a fair example of which is Christine O'Donnell, the Repub candidate for the Senate seat in Delaware. This odd person with a checkered history--she attended Fairleigh Dickinson University but didn't get a degree until 2004 apparently because of unpaid tuition bills-- suddenly became a "commentator" on the right-wing media circuit. Her only qualification being that she bears a physical resemblance to Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

O'Donnell has the ability to maintain a straight face while uttering the most stupid right0-wing trash; that masturbation is a "sin" and that evolution is a "myth." The most recent debate with Democrat Chris Coons O'Donnell showed her utter ignorance of the Constitution. One can't help but wonder if O'Donnell has even read the Constitution.

It is a mystery how anyone can say such stupid things in public and not feel ashamed. Maybe it all started with Rush Limbaugh, who has no shame about saying things that are not only false but stupid, but still he continues to blather on like an ignorant idiot. The stance of the contemporary Right might be summed up as "Say it loud I'm stupid and proud!" Of course their hero was GWB who never passed up a chance to show his contempt for knowledge and education.

I think its time that we as a nation stop rewarding people for being stupid. It might seem funny, but we must never thing it admirable.

Monday, October 18, 2010

When Things Don't Add Up

The term doublethink is used to describe the process of holding two contradictory ideas in one's mind simultaneously, and believing both of them. It's seems strange but we see these kinds of examples all the time. As I mentioned earlier Republicans say they want to cut the budget deficit but keep the Bush tax cuts. Don't they realize that the deficit is the principal cause of the budget deficit?

Another example comes from the latest issue of The Economist which laments the lack of growth in the world economy. Part of the reason why the world economy isn't growing is because governments all over the world are cutting back on spending, which has a depressing effect on living standards. Simply put, you can't have economic growth when standards of living are falling.

This is what happens when people insist on viewing things through a set of dogmatic beliefs, without examining whether those beliefs make sense.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Of Bugs and Babies

Even as the Repubs and Right-wing blowhards continue to complain about "excessive regulation" Abbot Laboratories is having to recall five million containers of baby formula bacause of contamination bugs and other insects at the Sturgis Michigan plant. What to do you know? A century ago people couldn't eat sausage without worrying that it might contain ground up human fingers. But the thing I don't understand about that factory, is doesn't anybody clean that place up? What kind of stupid and negligent operation are they running up there? In any case, it's clear that big business needs more regulation not less.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Budget Follies 2010

Like a bad sitcom that should've been cancelled long ago, the annual farce known as the Budget Follies is back. The comedy comes from the Repubs who keep complaining about the deficit but want to keep the Bush tax cuts in place. Not so long ago the Repubs allowed GWB to squander a trillion dollars to invade Iraq, and they said "Deficits don't matter." Deficits don't matter, when they're in charge. But the strange part about it is how nobody notices that we have these high deficits becauseof the Bush tax cuts. In fact, allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire would eliminate the deficit in 5 years.

Why doesn't anybody think of that?

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Tea Party's Mental Disease

It's clear that the Tea Partiers have come down with a mental disease caused by a combination of ignorance and stupidity. Recently some of these idiots have been cirulating a fake photo of Adolf Hitler putting his hand of the shoulder of Barack Obama. If these cretins actually knew anything about Hitler they would know that he actually hated Black people so much he didn't even allow them to enter Germany. But as for the TeePees, it's obvious that all they know about History comes from watching trashy old movies.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tea Party Sugardaddies

To get the full story click below.

The Tea Party's Sugardaddies

It turns out that the Tea Party and various right-wing think tanks are being backed funded by a couple of billionaire oil tycoons. Charles and David Kock (pronounced "coke") own Koch Industries a conglomerate based in Wichita Kansas with an estimated income of 100 billion dollars. The Kochs own oil refineries in Alaska, Texas, and Minnesota, as well as pipelines, and also Brawny paper towels, Dixie Cups, Georgia pacific lumber, and Stainmaster carpets.

The Kochs are funding groups with names like "Americans for Prosperity" which promote a pro-corporate agenda of low taxes and less regulation. The Kochs are also deniers of global warming, funding groups like the Cato Institute which spew out denyer propaganda.

Koch Industries has a record of negligence and malice. It has been found guilty of more than three hundred oil spills. It has also been found liable for the deaths of two Texas teenagers in a gas pipeline explosion.

There you have it folks. The Tea Party, far from being a grassroots movement, is really just "astroturf," funded by billionairs like the Koch's, so they can continue to pollute and make tons of cash. The Koch's are not only bad for democracy, they are a menace to life on the planet.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The End of Iraq?

The departure of the last US combat brigade from Iraq means that, hopefully, no more Americans will die in Iraq. The problem is that Iraq doesn't have a real government. Nouri Al Maliki's Shiite regime is turning into a klepto-theocracy. That country is more divided than ever along ethnic and religious lines. Iraq will eventually fall apart just like Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Those three countries were created at the end of World War I by politicians and diplomats who thought it "logical" to draw this border here and that border there. But they neglected to consult with the people who were going to live under the new arrangements. So it's no surprise that these "invented" states eventually collapsed.

When the end does come it's not going to be pretty. But hopefull we will learn the lesson we should have learned back in 1975. We have no business telling other countries how to manage their affairs.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Digital TV: Why Did They Bother?

It's been more than a year since the introduction of Digital Tv. Remember all the talk about more channels and supposedly, more choice? Instead we have RTN, with its constant reruns of Magnum PI, The A Team, and Knightrider. Then there's "This" network with it's constant showing of B-movies from the 1980's. It's like who cares?

It's seems that digital tv was just another corporate scheme to make us the consumers buy new equipment with money we could've used to othe purposes. If a show like Magnum now looks like a "classic" it's only because today tv shows are nothing but dreck. There isn't a single show on network tv that I actually enjoy watching. If it weren't for PBS I probably wouldn't watch tv at all.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

No Matter How You Raise Them

Remember Rudolph Giuliani, the tough guy prosecutor turned New York Mayor who allegedly cleaned the city up? It turns out that his daughter, Caroline, was caught shoplifting $100 worth of cosmetics. Some people might say that the girl had a troubled upbringing. It's true that Rudy's treatment of his ex-wife and children mark him as a jerk and a creep. It's funny how rightist stilly claim to be upset by Bill Clinton's extra-curricular dallying. Compared with Giuliani, Clinton looks like Ward Cleaver. So much for the fakery of "conservative family values."

Friday, July 23, 2010

Breitbart's Terror Campaign

I hate to keep bringing up the Shirley Sherrod matter, only because it's clear the whole thing was really another dirty trick cooked up by Andrew Breitbart. It turns out that Breitbart, or someone working for him, edited the video tape to make it sound like Sherrod was making "Anti-White" remarks. If this isn't illegal, it should be.

What I don't get about Breitbart is, how did this pork faced bum with a voice like an annoying five year old get to be such a "player" on the political scene? The details of his biography are rather vague, but he seems to have emerged out of the incestuous world of right-wing politics, but it would be interesting to know who put up the money. It should be clear that Breitbart's real mission is to create dirty tricks and sabotage. This is how Watergate got started, and an investigation should be undertaken to see who is behind it.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Watch Out for Sarahmania!

Sarah Palin continues her ascent as the political diva, her beehive hairdo and rabbit-like features becoming a fixture on the media universe. Newseek put her on the cover once again, proclaiming that Palin is going to lead some kind of feminist fundamentalist movement, or words to that effect. The funny thing about Newsweek, is that in spite of having degenerated into a right-wing propaganda rag, it's sales are plummeting and it's owners are trying to sell it. Maybe the American public isn't as right-wing as the media assumes.

But as for Palin, the real danger is that if enought people start to find her funny, eventually they might find her charming, essentially the same path that GWB took. I don't think Palin should ever be President, in fact I don't think she ought to be allowed within 100 miles of the White House. Palin is a flake and an ignoramus, and given the chance, she would run the country into the ground in 6 months.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Arizona Repubs Keep Blowing Smoke

Who said "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story?" The Arizona GOP has taken that vile notion and carried to absurdity. Not only is Governor Jan Brewer trying to justify her racist legislation by claiming, falsely that decapitated bodies are appearing in the Arizona desert. Now John McCain, formerly known as the "Cool Republican" has jumped on the bandwagon, alleging an epidemic of kidnappings in Phoenix. Oddly enough, the FBI points out that there has been no increase in crime in Arizona.

The Repub problem is that they can no longer run as the party of prosperity or law and order so they've resorted to racism. As for McCain, we can honestly say that there is no such thing as a "cool Republican." They're all a bunch of hot-headed blowhards.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Facts on Education

Much praise has been heaped on Davis Guggenheim's movie "Waiting for Superman" which is part of a recent wave of propaganda aimed against teachers and public education. Recently Newsweek ran a front page story proclaiming "We Must Fire Bad Teachers!" It sounds peculiar because anybody who suggested that all the problems with the health care system were caused by "bad doctors" would be accused of simplism.
Much the same can be said about the new anti-teacher movement.

The important thing to remember is that we don't have a "system" of public education because every school district in this country is basically a system into itself. While some school districts have problems, it is not fair or accurate to imply that the problems of one district reflect on all the others. The New York City School District's "Rubber Room" is a problem peculiar to that district.

Another big issue is teacher tenure, which supposedly allows "bad teachers" to stay in their jobs. But in fact, half of all teachers quit after 5 years, while in New York City the attrition rate is 25% after two years. It seems that the real problem isn't the retention of "bad" teachers but the loss of good ones.

I emphasize this because education is important for democracy. A free society cannot be based upon an ignorant population which can be fooled by junk history, junk science, and junk economics.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Obama's Biggest Mistakes

1. Keeping Robert Gates as Defense Secretary. Keeping Gates as Secretary of Defense meant that the administration tied itself to the same failed policies, especially in Afghanistan.

2. Not Breaking Up the Big Media Monopolies. The Obama administration should have moved to break-up the big media monopolies, which spew right-wing propaganda and are currently rooting for the GOP in the upcoming elections.

3. Trusting the leadership at BP. A lot of people were willing to make the same mistake. Still BP had acquired a lousy track record in terms of safety; remember the Texas City of Fire of 2005 and the Alaska pipeline oil spill of 2006.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Joe Barton: Big Oil Whore

Rep. Joe Barton, Rebub from Texas, apologized to the BP CEO and accused the Obama administration of "shaking down" the company. It's not surprising considering that Barton has received more than 1.5 million in campaign donations from oil companies. Still, you'd think that at least he wouldn't show it off in public.

Friday, June 11, 2010

GOP Double-talk on Oil Spill

To be a Repub means being a whore of Big Oil, in this case BP. As the mess continues to grow, and the costs continue to mount, the Repubs continue to demand that the Obama administration lift the moratorium on off shore drilling. So we can have more oil spills? Meanwhile Michael Bloomberg, who may be called the Heidi Fleiss of corporate whores, says we "shouldn't blame BP." Then there's House Repub Leader John Boehner saying that the Federal Government should "take responsibility."

The funny thing is that Repubs tell us that the Federal Government isn't supposed to feed people or provide them with jobs or healthcare. But cleaning up after the messes made by the corporate over class is "everybody's" responsibility. Does this add up? Hell no!

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Abominable Dr. Paul

When looking at Rand Paul, the golden boy of the tea party, one question comes to mind: how could someone that stupid get into medical school? He continues to tie himself in knots explaining why he's both for and against the civil rights act, and how he doesn't have a problem with racial discrimination and yet at the same time he thinks racism is wrong. It's clear that he has a problem with Black people, though he should at least have the sense to hide it. That's a big component of politics; sometimes you have to work with people you don't like.

He's also an anti-abortion fanatic, who believes that life begins at conception. How can anyone with any medical knowledge can believe that garbage is a mystery. And let's not forget his spirited defense of BP and it's appalling safety record. Paul is supposedly an ophthalmologist but he needs to get his own vision checked.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Glen Beck's Goldline Scam

Glen Beck, the bug eyed liver-lipped slimeball who's set up as the right wing opinion maker is actually shilling for a company called Goldline. Part of Beck's schtick is claiming that inflation is coming and that people should buy gold. Cut to--a Goldline commercial! Here' the thing; Goldline actually sells coins at a considerable mark-up. Surprised? Will the idiots who take Beck seriously grow a brain?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bristol Palin: A Portrait in Hypocrisy

Bristol Palin, America's favorite unwed mother, is about to hit the speaking circuit. Her message:
"Regardless of what I did personally, abstinence is the only 100% way you can prevent pregnancy." No kidding! In the meantime the sperm donor involved, a high school drop out by the name of Levi Johnston, posed for Playgirl. So much for traditional family values!

If Bristol Palin had black skin or a Spanish surname, she wouldn't be lionized by the media in this fashion. She certainly wouldn't be getting paid $30,000 per appearance. Let us remember that for the past three decades we've been suggested to a barrage of right-wing propaganda about the dangers of "illegitimacy" which rightist opinion makers blame for everything from street crime to the federal deficit. The stereotype of irresponsible, oversexed behavior among minority groups somehow seems acceptable when whites engage in the same behavior. The racism of the right keeps coming out in the most embarrassing ways.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Arizona The New Mississippi

The racists who run Arizona, including Governor Jan Brewer and the so-called Superintendent of Education Tom Horne, have approved a new measure that bans the schools from teaching "ethnic solidarity." But of course Brewer and Horne and their ilk are themselves are pandering to "ethnic solidarity:" that of whites against hispanics.

Brewer's other "accomplishments" include repealing Arizona's domestic partners act and eliminating the children's healthcare program, which left 310,000 children without healthcare.
If Brewer had any human decency she would admit that she is an incompetent politician and not even bother to run for office. But like all other sleazy race baiting politicians, from George Wallace to Pete Wilson, she panders to racial hatred just to keep herself in power. It does matter who its directed against--it could be African-americans in the past, Hispanics today, some other group of people tomorrow-- it is bigotry pure and simple.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Bill O'Reilly: Big Smelly Foot in Big Stupid Mouth

Bill O'Reilly incurable liar and blow-hard, has finally gone too far. In an interview with General Wesley Clark, O'Reilly claimed that American troops had killed Germans in Malmedy. To set the record straight, the Malmedy massacre, which occurred on December 17, 1944, involved the killing of about 100 American POW's by the Nazi Ss First Panzer Division. It is important to note that the same Nazi SS unit also committed many other atrocities, including the massacre of 100 Belgian civilians at Stavelot.

While O'Reilly later issued a retraction, but he treated it like a simple error, like he had mispronounced somebody's name. But O'Reilly doesn't care about truth. Whenever he starts to lose the argument, he starts pouding the table and shouting "Shut up! Shut up!" The real morons, however, are O'Reilly's fans, who are nothing more than ignorant bullies themselves.

Friday, April 23, 2010

58 Killed in Baghdad Bombings

At least 58 people have been killed in a new wave of bombings in Baghdad. There were also bombings in the town of Khalidya. In fact, for all the people who are still paying attention, violence continues to plague Iraq. Meanwhile, the country continues without an effective governmnet, as the local politicians haggle and demand recounts.

It's been 7 years since the Iraq debacle began and it's clear that we are facing 2 possibilities; Iraq is either going to end up as a Shi'ite regime under the effective domination of Iran, or it's going to disintigrate into it's constituent parts. What isn't going to happen is for Iraq to become a shining example of democracy.

After all this time there are people who justify the invasion of Iraq. They can shovel around the same pile of manure, but they will never find a pony or a democracy in there.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party: More Noise Than Heat

Looking at the "Tea Party" is like watching a bunch of spoiled children. Their combination of ignorance and hysteria has ceased to be funny and is merely irritating. These people know nothing of politics or history, their thinking is dominated by junk information and slogans from the 1980's or the 1950's of the 1920's. To say nothing of their whining about wanting "their country back."

Let us consider, however, what would happen if the Repubs take control of the Congress after the next elections. We already know what their game plan was during 1994-2006: get elected by ranting against taxes and "wasteful spending." Then get re-elected by sending pork-barrel projects back to their home districts. It may be "smart" politics, for a while. But given that it's clear that the Repubs are never going to cut spending or bring back the "good old days" of "rugged individualism."

It's time to grow up people. Or at least grow a brain.

Friday, April 9, 2010

GOP Sex Scandal

Allison Meyers was the director of the "Young Eagles" a Republican fund raising group. It turns out that Miss Meyers was taking donors to a Hollywood strip club called Voyeur. Well so much for traditional family values!

Do Repubs think we are all stupid? Maybe the right-wing "base" of bible-beating ignoramuses might believe it. But even they must be having some doubts. The Repubs might be better labeled as the party of big money and sleaze.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Right Goes Crazy

We are still puzzling over the insanity of the so-called Hutaree militia, who were planning to go on a killing spree of police officers and which they believed would bring about the final confrontation with the anti-Christ (whom they seemed to believe is Barack Obama). Now it turns out that lunatics calling themselves "Guardians of the Free Republics" have been sending letters to various governors warning them to leave office or else.

It is easy to dismiss the "Hutarees" and such like as backwoods ignoramuses. Except that this climate of fear and hatred could produce the next Timothy McVeigh. We have spent the better part of the previous decade fearing "Islamofascists" that we have forgotten that terrorism is merely a tactic which can be used by any group. Eventually, a bunch of ultra-right extremists could destroy America, and succeed where Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Bin Laden failed.

We are probably our own worst enemies.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tea Party Shows True "Colors"

Last week's drama over the Healthcare reform bill culminated in mob scenes outside the Capitol, with the "Tea Party" hooligans shouting racial and homophobic slurs against Democratic members of Congress. That confirms reports of racist and scenes at other "Tea" gatherings, which also tend to draw anti-immigrant and racist elements.

Who are these "Tea Partiers?" I try to be charitable to these people, telling myself they are simply ignorant & misinformed. However, their resort to violence seems to show they are another mutation of the racist, xenophobic yokel element. These people have convinced themselves that they are "The real Americans." In fact they are they are the worst in America.
Nothing is more dangerous than an ignoramus with a cause.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sarah Palin Is a Big Fat Phony

Sarah Palin now admits that her family once sneaked across the border for health care. I guess they weren't worried about "death panels," or any of that stuff. Is Palin a liar or an ignoramus? Maybe a little of both. In order to be a Republican pol these days you have to pander to an ignorant, opinionated mob of yokels.

Aren't these people worried about something called hypocrisy? Or are their minds too small to grasp the concept of cognitive dissonance? I think by now we should have learned the dangers of entrusting the country to "folksy" dingbats.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The week in Review

Welcome to the Monopoly of Truth, a voice of sanity against a public discourse dominated by corporate hacks, shock jocks, and ignoramuses. This will be a weekly review of the real issues, not gossip or "horse races."

*Karl Rove now says he is "proud" the Bush administration used waterboarding.
Guess that shows that Rove is not only a pathological liar and a conniving sleazebag but possibly a psychopath as well.

*The healthcare reform process has become a tortured mess that nobody can make any sense of. Latest news is that they've decided to drop the public option, although without a public option they can't say they've reformed anything. More on this in a later post.

*If healthcare reform does fail it will be as much the fault of the Congress as well as the Obama administration. The real fault lies with the Senate where everything got tied up in knots. This has certainly destroyed the image we have of the Senate as an august body where sober statespersons debate the nation's problems. Instead, it is more like a condominium committee where it's all about who knows whom, who likes whom, and who gets which parking space.

The week in Review